Title 132S of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) contains the rules of Columbia Basin College (十大电子游艺平台首选). Rule amendments and additions are coordinated by the Rules Coordination Office under the Human Resources & Legal Affairs Division of 十大电子游艺平台首选. This webpage provides information about current rule-making activity and rule changes recently proposed by 十大电子游艺平台首选. If you have questions regarding the rule-making process, you may call the Rules Coordinator, the Vice President of Human Resources & Legal Affairs at 509-542-5548.
Columbia Basin College’s Rules Coordination Office oversees the College’s rule-making process, including the review, creation, amendment, and repeal of the 十大电子游艺平台首选’s Washington Administrative Code rules (Title 132S WAC). In carrying out this function, the Office works with the College division promulgating the rule for final adoption. In addition, the Office maintains the College rule-making docket; plans and facilitates public hearings; produces the required legal notices for the press; and publishes the WAC chapters on the 十大电子游艺平台首选 webpage.
This webpage provides information about current rule-making activity and recently proposed changes by 十大电子游艺平台首选. If you have questions regarding the rule-making process, you may call the Rules Coordinator, the Vice President of Human Resources & Legal Affairs, 509-542-5548.
Proposed Rulemaking
Columbia Basin College is in the process of updating sections of Chapter 132S-110 WAC, Title IX Hearing Procedure For Students, and Chapter 132S-100 WAC, Student Code of Conduct, in accordance with Title IX regulations as required by the United States Department of Education.
The college has filed a CR-102 form to propose these rule changes, allowing for public input and comments. This process is different from the emergency rulemaking previously undertaken, as it follows the full rulemaking procedure, which includes the opportunity for public review and feedback.
We invite all stakeholders to review the proposed rules and submit written comments. If you would like to provide feedback or object to the proposed changes, please submit your objections or comments in writing to:
Vice President for Human Resources & Legal Affairs, Columbia Basin College, 2600 N.
20th Avenue, Pasco, WA 99301
By: November 14, 2024.
This Rules Coordination page will be updated as the rulemaking process proceeds with the filing of the required forms. Since emergency rules are only valid for 120 days, the College has initiated the perminate rule process for both the Student Code of Conduct, and Title IX Student Hearing Procedure.
Washington State Register (WSR) Citations
CR-102 (Title IX-Student Hearing Procedure)
Title IX-Student Hearing Procedure Proposed Language
CR-102 (Student Code of Conduct)
Student Code of Conduct Proposed Language